Chairman's Message
India is on the fast track to attain the status of a developed country. Still there is a wide gap between doctor-patient ratio of our country as compared to the developed countries. Shanti Devi Charitable Trust promises to make all out efforts to ensure its participation in bridging the gap of doctor-patient ratio in the country. We, as a team, are at the thresh hold to meet this challenge by planning to commence education and training of medical graduates in the near future. Our partnership in the field of medical education is sure to yield desired dividends.

Treasure's Message
Shanti Devi Charitable Trust began its journey in 2006 and within a short span of eight years it has achieved phenomenal growth. The idea of setting up a Medical College was conceived right from the beginning keeping the spirit of the firm belief and philosophy of our revered father late Lala Nemi Chandji and our beloved mother late Shanti Devi for the upliftment of the society, particularly in the unprivileged rural areas. It is a tribute to them from their sons and heirs that today we are at the threshhold of achieving our long cherished dream to establish this centre of medical education. Our objective of being counted among the top Medical Colleges of the Country seems not far away.
In our proposed Medical College, we aim to provide high quality super specialty medical facilities to the patients.
With a highly motivated and dedicated teaching faculty drawn from far and wide of the country and our College being equipped with latest diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, we shall attain our objective of providing high quality medical services at affordable cost to the needy and quality medical education to the aspiring youth seeking admission in our Medical College.
Secretary's Message
Competition in today’s world is a global phenomenal. In our new Medical College, which is likely to come into being in the near future, we have fixed our objective to help the young aspiring medicos to bring out their potential and achieve high degree of competency. We sincerely wish that our students are able to face competition at the national as well as international level. With this in mind we aim to train them by taking up higher responsibilities and workload for full range of diagnostic and therapeutic acumen. At the end of the course our students should be able to take medical care at the very door step of patients in far flung areas of the Country.