- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
- Phone No: 0180-2579081, 2579061
- Email:ncmedicalcollege.panipat@gmail.com
Graduate M.B.B.S. from Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla in 1980, Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology from Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla in 1988 and M.S ENT from Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla in 1991.
Served in Himachal from July 1982 – Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla from 1982 to 1987.
Senior Resident : 02.04.1994 to 15.07.1997 – I.G.M.C. Shimla
Assistant Professor : 16.07.1997 to 30.04.2022 – I.G.M.C. Shimla
Associate Professor : 31.07.2002 to 30.03.2006 – I.G.M.C. Shimla
Prof. & HoD : 31.03.2006 to 05.03.2008 – Dr. R.P. Govt. Medical College, Tanda, Kangra, H.P
Prof. & HoD : 07.03.2008 to 31.10.2018 – I.G.M.C. Shimla
Professor-cum-Dean : 01.11.2018 to 23.04.2020 – Sh. Lal Bhadur Shastri GMC, Mandi, H.P.
Professor-cum-Dean : 24.04.2020 to 30.04.2022- Dr. Y.S Parmar Govt. Medical College, Nahan (H.P)
Dean-cum-Professor : 06.06.2022 to 07.12.2023 – Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P.
Dean : N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Israna, Panipat from 02.01.2024
I have been honoured by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh as a corona warrior at various state Govt. functions.
Area of Interest:
- General otorhinolaryngology
- Head & Neck
- C.I.
Society membership:
- Past President All India Rhinology Society from 2018 to 2021
- Member, National Academy of Medical Society
- Life Member, Association of otorhinolaryngology of India
- Past President, A.O.I. (H.P) Chapter
- 65 Publications
- Book chapter in clinicopathological and radiological evaluation of Metastatic neck nodes (in I ambert academic publishing to AG Germany 2010).
Awards & Honours:
- Chairman Editorial Board: Indian journal of Clinical Rhinology
- Hosted 27th Annual Conference of All India Rhinology Society and 16th Annual Conference of AOI (HP Chapter) on 30, 30st May and 1st June 2014 at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla.
- Organizing Chairman Cochlear implant surgical workshop-cum – 14th
- Guest Speaker on Comparison of Endo DCR and External DCR on 9th April, 2015 in ARSR held at Beijing, China.
- Guest speaker in All India Rhinology Conference held at PGIMER Chandigarh in 2009.
- Performed MCI inspection for recognition of Post Graduate degree in various colleges across India.
- External expert in UP Public Service Commission & PGIMS Rohtak, Haryana/KGMC lucknow
- Coordinator for DHLS programme of Government of India
- External examiner in various universities of North India for MS/DLO and MBBS examinations.
- Guide and Co-guide in 45 MS (ORL) thesis.
- Principal Investigator of Incidence & Prevalence of Deafness in H.P.

Maj Gen (Dr) P K Singh, VSM (Retd)
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
- Phone No: 0180-2579081, 2579061
- Email:ncmedicalcollege.panipat@gmail.com
Mej. Gen. (Dr) P.K. Singh, VSM (Retd) has assured the prestigious appointment of Principal NC Medical College & Hospital, Israna, Panipat on 24 June 2024
Mej. Gen. (Dr) P. K. Singh started his journey of success with graduation (MBBS) from AFMC Pune in 1979 and MD in Community Medicine from the same institute.
He has provided his valuable services in the field of Community Medicine to the Indian Army for which he was honoured with Commendation Card by General Officer Commanding in Chief in 1992, 2006, & 2014. In 2006, he was honoured with Commendation Card by the Vice Chief of Army Staff. In 2007 & 2008 he received the Chief of Army Staff Commendation Card. The honorable President of India awarded him Vishist Sewa Medal in 2010 for his valuable contributions.
Dr P K Singh diversified his skills by undertaking various courses viz: Basic Workshop in Research Methodology, NABH Assessors Course, Advance Course in Strategic Management, PG Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare Management, Advance Certificate Course in Computer Operations, PG Diploma in Medico Legal System, PG Diploma in Business Administration, Computer Training Programme for Health Professionals, Community Health Care and Research Training Course by Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
Dr P K Singh has contributed to the Manual of Health for the Armed Forces, which is a reference textbook for Armed Forces Medical Officers. He was the Deputy Chairperson Editorial Board: The Combat Medic which is a Bi Annual Journal published by Director General Medical Services Army focusing on issues of best clinical practices and medical logistics in the tactical and battle field environment.
Dr Singh has undertaken various research projects and has numerous publications in national and international journals. He is the Founding Member of Indian Society of Hospital Waste management. He is also a fellow of the Indian Public Health Association and Indian Society for Malaria and other Communicable Diseases. Along with more than two decades of teaching experience in various army teaching hospitals, he has also been an examiner of various reputed Universities. Amongst his notable tenures when in service, has been as a young medical officer in Indian Military Team (IMTRAT) Bhutan, as Public Health Advisor in the United Nations Peace Keeping Force (UNSOM) in Somalia and as Addl. Director General Medical Services (Army). Command Hospitals Kolkata & Lucknow Armed Forces Me dical College, Pune & he was Professor in Army College of Medical Sciences Delhi Cantt from 2008 to 2016.
After his superannuation he assumed the appointment of Principal Al Falah School of Medical Science. He was Founder Principal and established the College from scratch. During his stay there for nearly seven years, he won several awards from various organizations for being an outstanding Principal.
Extracurricular feathers in his cap include the award for being best outgoing student and best sportsman in school. He has represented Pune University in football and hockey. He was the Best Sportsman in 1977, at AFMC, Pune. He has been a national level golfer representing the services in 1997.
When it comes to teaching and learning methods and patient care facilities he has a holistic approach
Area of Interest:
- General otorhinolaryngology
- Head & Neck
- C.I.
Society membership:
- Past President All India Rhinology Society from 2018 to 2021
- Member, National Academy of Medical Society
- Life Member, Association of otorhinolaryngology of India
- Past President, A.O.I. (H.P) Chapter
- 65 Publications
- Book chapter in clinicopathological and radiological evaluation of Metastatic neck nodes (in I ambert academic publishing to AG Germany 2010).
Awards & Honours:
- Chairman Editorial Board: Indian journal of Clinical Rhinology
- Hosted 27th Annual Conference of All India Rhinology Society and 16th Annual Conference of AOI (HP Chapter) on 30, 30st May and 1st June 2014 at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla.
- Organizing Chairman Cochlear implant surgical workshop-cum – 14th
- Guest Speaker on Comparison of Endo DCR and External DCR on 9th April, 2015 in ARSR held at Beijing, China.
- Guest speaker in All India Rhinology Conference held at PGIMER Chandigarh in 2009.
- Performed MCI inspection for recognition of Post Graduate degree in various colleges across India.
- External expert in UP Public Service Commission & PGIMS Rohtak, Haryana/KGMC lucknow
- Coordinator for DHLS programme of Government of India
- External examiner in various universities of North India for MS/DLO and MBBS examinations.
- Guide and Co-guide in 45 MS (ORL) thesis.
- Principal Investigator of Incidence & Prevalence of Deafness in H.P.

Major General (Dr). Manvir Singh Tevatia VSM
- MBBS, MD (Path), G I(PATH) AIIMS Principal
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
- Phone No: +91 8168613631, 0180 - 2579081, 2579061
- Address: Flat No.101, Residential Complex, N. C. Medical College, Panipat, Haryana-132107
- Email: principalncmch@gmail.com, ncmedicalcollege.panipat@gmail.com, drmstevatia@gmail.com
Maj Gen (Dr) Manvir Singh Tevatia is a graduate from Jammu medical college in 1984, postgraduate from MUHS in 1993 and Post Doctorate in Gastro Intestinal Pathology from AIIMS, New Delhi, 2004.
He has served in the Armed Forces Medical Services, MoD, for 38 years with vast teaching experience of 18 years, 10 years as a Professor in Pathology and GI Pathology and 10 years as head of department.
During his vast career span, he has served in most envious appointments in the Army Medical Corps.As young medical officer he was posted in various field medical units and military hospitals. Thereafter as Associate Professor, he was posted in 92 Base Hospital and military hospitals of Jalandhar, Danapur and Meerut.
In executive appointments Maj Gen M S Tevatia has commanded the prestigious 600 bedded hospital at Srinagar and 1200 bedded tertiary care teaching hospital at Pune which is affiliated to the Armed Forces Medical College. He led his team from the front and accomplished the colossal task of shifting the 1200 bedded hospital to new location without any collateral damages.
He is an academician of repute, examiner for both undergraduates and postgraduate students and has to his credit of more than 30 published scientific papers in national and international journals. The officer’s dedicated vision to perform with excellence enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care both in operational areas and peacetime locations and left a mark of astute administrative and professional skills in all these places. He is an accomplished officer who has been awarded for his zeal and pragmatic vision with Army Commander’s commendation in 2006 and Chief Of Staff Commendation twice in 2010 and 2012.
- a. Second position in MBBS in Jammu University in Pathology and PSM combined.
- b. Topped Pune University in MD Pathology
- c. First GI pathologist to be trained from AFMS at AIIMS Delhi
- a. Best Officer in the Medical Officer Junior Command course.
- b. Secured third position in the Medical Officer Senior Command course.
- c. Army Commander’s commendation in 2006
- d. Chief Of Staff Commendation twice in 2010 and 2012
Professional Membership
Other Professional Milestones
Other Professional Milestones
- a. Active member of the Indian Academy for Pathologists and Microbiologists (IAPM)
- b. Completed the RBCW and AETCOM from 12 to 14 Feb 2020 at Armed Forces Medical College Pune and the Basic Course in Biomedical Research from ICMR/NIE from Sep to Dec 2019.
- c. Chapter on Pathology of the GIT and liver in the book titled “Pathophysiology for pharmacy students, First Edition, 2004.”
From Dated 22/08/2022 to 12/09/2022 Forenoon

(Dr). Dalip Singh Dhiman
- M.B.,B.S., M.D. Radiology Principal
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
From Dated 27/11/2021 to 22/08/2022

Prof.(Dr.) Mahavir Singh Griwan
- M.B.,B.S., M.D.(Pharmacology), M.S. (General Surgery), LL.B. Principal
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
From Dated 09/05/2021 to 27/11/2021 Forenoon

Prof.(Dr.) Veena Singh Ghalaut
- M.B.B.S., MD(Biochemistry) Principal Cum chief Medical Superintendent (CMS)
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
From Dated 16/11/2020 to 08/05/2021

Prof.(Dr.) Thirunagari Venkat Ramanaiah
- M.B.B.S., MD(Forensic Medicine) Principal Cum chief Medical Superintendent (CMS)
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
From Dated 12/08/2019 to 15/11/2020

Prof.(Dr.) Arun Kumar
- M.B.B.S., MD (Anaesthesia) Principal Cum chief Medical Superintendent (CMS)
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
- Ex. Principal and cms: Heritage institute of Medical Science, Varansi
- Ex. Director and vice chancellor: Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Science Sheikhapura, Patna (Bihar)
From Dated 25/03/2019 to 1/08/2019

Dr. (Col.) Satish Sharma
- MBBS, M.D. (Pathology)
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
- Phone No: +91 9873690210
From Dated 19-06-2018 to 25-03-2019

Prof.(Dr.) Rakesh Kumar Gorea
- B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.D., D.N.B., PhD Fellow-ICFMT, Editor, IJETV, Ex Editor, JIAMFM, JPAFMAT
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
- Phone No: +91 7082900398
From Dated 07-09-2016 to 18-06-2018

Dr. (Col.) Satish Sharma
- N.C. Medical College & Hospital, Panipat - (Haryana)
- Phone No: +91 8527063514
- Email: drmukesh65@yahoo.co.in